
Strainers may be used in many different types of liquid applications, but a Y-Strainer is considered standard for steam applications and is almost universally used for this application. Besides steam, Y-Strainers are often used in air and natural gas applications.
Unlike other types of strainers, a Y-Strainer has the advantage of being able to be installed in either a horizontal or vertical position. Obviously, in both cases, the screening element must be on the "down side" of the strainer body so that the entrapped material can properly collect in it.
Some manufactures reduce the size of the Y -Strainer body to save material and cut cost. Before installing a Y-Strainer, be sure it is large enough to properly handle the flow. A low-priced strainer may be an indication of an undersized unit.

- NPS  : 1.8” – 24”
- DN    : 6 – 600

- C    : WCB          - F     : A105
- 6C  : WC6          - 8     : CF8
- 9C  : WC9          - 8     : CF8M
- C5  : C5              - 3     : CF3
- BL  : LCB           - 3M  : CF3
- CL  : LCC          - ML  : MONEL

- Class 150        - PN 20       - JIS 5K
- Class 300        - PN 50       - JIS 10K
- Class 400        - PN 68       - JIS 16K
- Class 600        - PN 100     - JIS 20K
- Class 900        - PN 150     - JIS 30K
- Class 1500      - PN 250     - JIS 40K
- Class 2500      - PN 420     - JIS 100K

- RF    : Raising Face
- RTJ  : Ring Type Joint
- FF    : Female Face
- BW   : Butt-Welding
- NPT : Screwed
- SW   : Socket Weld


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